The Zealot!

Being a conversational ice-breaker is my thing. I like to ask people questions. I have a question for everything and everyone. When I don’t which is absolutely rare, I would have a story to tell. I've ventured into so many hobbies I’d be tired to list down. (I know what you’re thinking but this onus of wanting to ride more than one boat a time is on my zodiac sign- Gemini!) Obviously, being mocked by peers and labeled as an over-enthusiast is a part of the package. For over years, people have always wanted little girls, young ladies and matured women to be patient and wait for an opportunity. However, I really don’t get why patience has been painted on a girl’s face as her asset. She is not expected to ask of what she wants, but instead is expected to be thankful for what she has received. Fortunately, I was brought up in a different way by my parents. I was given a chance to explore my options. Their interests in my academics were never rubbed on my face.

Luckily, I had a chance to grow, explore and know myself better. I have failed not once so far or at least that’s what I’d like to think of myself as. Every incident one would tag as a failure was a lesson learnt for me that I’d never repeat. I like to live without regrets. I love to have a story to tell. A story about almost everything I know. My best friends had seen all my wild phases of life that they have a story to tell about me.

There was a time I was into elocution & debating,
After winning first prizes in both, I moved on to drawing & painting.

At the Hindu young world competition, I was the first prize winner for painting a picture themed peace,
Every time I won, my zeal to achieve would a thousand folds increase.

I started contributing to newspapers and magazines when I was thirteen,
And the number of times I was recognized for my articles was umpteen.

My parents would parade me around the neighborhood like they’d won a trophy,
I knew there were miles to go and score every bogey.

Mastered playing violin in both Carnatic and Western classical,
The tunes I played gave me such good vibes! So pure and magical!

Did I forget to mention that I am a badminton player?
I played at the district level and was honored by our Mayor.

I successfully ran the Hyderabad Marathon,
And secured the first place in the 20 km PUMA urban stampede run with aplomb.

While my list of accolades could go for a while before they end,
Deep down I strive for much more competitive activities to contend.